At SP Groups, we dare to shake up our habits, develop new expertise and offer our services in new fields. In addition to industry, pharmaceuticals, biotech and fine chemicals, we also develop intelligent solutions in the airport sector. These facilities and systems, synonymous with safety and efficiency, are the result of concerted work and unique know-how.
Our expertise in airport automation systems
With our experience in engineering and technology consulting, we use our expertise to develop technological solutions for airports. We design systems that combine tailor-made processes and innovations adapted to your needs.
Automation in your airport projects
Do you need a high-performance information system with little or no human intervention? We have mastered the art of automating and simplifying operational tasks to perfection. With their in-depth knowledge of software, processes, information systems, and also mechanical components (conveyors, sensors, safety machines, etc.), our experts possess the know-how to optimise your installations.
How? By analysing uses and postures so that the chosen solution matches the way you work. We build multidisciplinary teams with knowledge in supervision systems, IT resources, electrical systems or IT development, depending on the nature of the project. Adaptability to your needs is our greatest strength!
Our SCADA expertise
Numerous travellers flow through your airport every day. They constitute an unrelenting passenger flow calling for a highly sophisticated organisation and technologies that cut down on risks of error. Ever striving to maximise your performance, our guidance on SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) will assist you in choosing the system that best suits your needs.
What are your medium-term objectives? How well does your automation system line up with your objectives? Does your automation system let you participate in developing your activities? We possess the capabilities to understand emerging technologies and design SCADA automation infrastructures that meet your operational requirements. A means for you to be competitive while enhancing your efficiency and agility cost-effectively.
Comfort and safety through IoT
IoT has a role in optimising activities, automated alert management and improving yields. It can also be used in the airport sector to create a pleasant environment using temperature, humidity and luminescence sensors. In other sectors, we can also analyse the pressure cascades between rooms, which is useful for multiple reasons such as guaranteeing air flows and detecting the presence of chemical products.
Interfaces designed for airport staff
Our added value in the airport sector: creating user-oriented solutions. Far more than technological tools, the processes and systems we put in place serve their users! We therefore take the time to understand how you work and analyse the different usage types so these elements can be integrated into the design and supervision.
HMI ergonomics serving users
We integrate an HMI approach into each project to foster communication between your employees and new technologies. Such an approach simplifies interactions and leads to greater speed, readability and accessibility.
For this purpose, we analyse your activities and actual usage to shed light on user behaviour. Our aim here is to integrate an emotional dimension so that technical expertise can be used to serve users. We glean information on your practices to develop a new, more efficient work tool with an entirely responsive graphic design: colours, views, graphic styles, hierarchisation of information…
Leaving no stone left unturned so that users can be responsive and ensure security within the airport.
Availability, reliability and security with AVEVA Wonderware System Platform
We use the Wonderware System Platform, an open platform capable of supporting Supervision, SCADA and IoT functions while integrating your processes. We harness its power to design contextualised applications that promote the convergence of IT and OT activities.
This fantastic tool can boost your operational performance and decision-making in real time! With Wonderware System Platform, you can effectively run your systems and easily work together with all your teams.
Adaptability to meet your needs
We have no standard approach at SP Groups. Better still, we adapt to your logistics and security requirements by combining the knowledge and rigour we have gained in our core business sectors. Our methodology:
- An audit phase to identify users (who is the user? Who could become a user?) and list uses (how do you work? What are your needs?).
- A conceptual and co-design phase with an iterative integration of users: users take ownership of oversight and contribute to the success of the project by becoming ambassadors in their dealings with colleagues.
A turnkey airport project
Do you need a solution that combines technical innovation and automation? Our turnkey projects are managed from start to finish. Starting with the analysis of the usage and concept formulation, through the increasingly detailed studies and programming, we cover the entire process from A to Z. We even supervise commissioning and testing.
Tailor-made airport projects
We draw on our expertise to design highly diversified, multi-brick solutions. These could entail:
- Purely automation projects with a PLC part, PLC programming and commissioning
- Purely SCADA projects with a display of the information fed to the PLCs
- Tailor-made IT development projects
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